Levi’s ChatGPT adventures in astronomical debt… and one wild ride

Brett A. Hurt
15 min readJun 1, 2024


It is often hilarious to see our son’s, Levi, ChatGPT (GPT-4o) prompting. This was a pretty wild one… wait until you see the ending on what ChatGPT “wants”. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, clearly he was leading the model to drink from the water.

I’ll apologize upfront here for some of the formatting below — it isn’t relevant to the content though (and I didn’t want to spend a lot of time on cleanup).


My prompt: “Draw an imagine of the fanciest limousine ever”


Here is the image of the fanciest limousine ever, set in a glamorous cityscape at night. If you need any changes or additional details, let me know!


Levi took over at this point with this prompt: “Make it even more fancy. It should look like it costs 1 trillion dollars.”


Here is an even more extravagant limousine, looking like it costs 1 trillion dollars. If you need any more changes or additional details, let me know!


Levi: “If I bought that for a trillion dollars I would feel scammed.”


I understand. Let’s go for an even more luxurious look. Imagine the limousine with more extravagant features:

  • The body is crafted from a mix of platinum and gold.
  • It has embedded diamonds throughout the exterior.
  • The interior has seats made of the finest rare animal leather, inlaid with gold and precious gemstones.
  • The ceiling of the limousine is a miniature starry sky made of tiny LED lights.
  • The mini bar is fully stocked with the rarest, most expensive beverages.
  • It has a high-end surround sound system, multiple flat-screen TVs, and a fully equipped entertainment suite.
  • The windows are tinted with a special coating that can display holographic images.
  • The exterior lighting includes customizable neon lights and laser beams.
  • The wheels are made from custom alloys with gold and diamond accents.

Let’s create this ultra-luxurious limousine.

Here is the ultra-luxurious limousine, designed to reflect its worth of 1 trillion dollars. If there’s anything else you’d like to add or modify, let me know!


Levi: “Why is my bank account now in the negatives? Have any finance suggestion to fix this -999b debt from buying the car? I mean it has an interest rate of 250%!”


Dealing with a massive debt and an extremely high-interest rate can be incredibly challenging. Here are some suggestions to address this situation:

  1. Immediate Actions:
  • Sell the Limousine: Attempt to sell the limousine to recoup some of the costs. Even if you can’t get the full trillion back, selling it for a significant amount can reduce your debt.
  • Negotiate with the Lender: Contact the lender to negotiate the terms of your debt. Explain your situation and try to reduce the interest rate or extend the repayment period.
  • Debt Consolidation: Look into consolidating your debt into a loan with a lower interest rate. This can make repayments more manageable.
  1. Increase Income:
  • Freelance or Part-Time Work: Consider taking on additional freelance or part-time work to increase your income.
  • Sell Unnecessary Assets: Liquidate any other non-essential assets you may own to raise funds.
  1. Cut Expenses:
  • Create a Budget: Develop a strict budget to minimize unnecessary spending.
  • Reduce Lifestyle Costs: Cut down on non-essential expenses such as dining out, entertainment, and luxury items.
  1. Seek Professional Help:
  • Financial Advisor: Consult with a financial advisor to create a tailored plan for your situation.
  • Debt Counselor: A debt counselor can help you explore options like debt settlement or bankruptcy if necessary.
  1. Explore Alternative Funding:
  • Crowdfunding: Use platforms like GoFundMe to explain your situation and seek donations.
  • Investors: Seek out investors who might be interested in buying the limousine or investing in other ventures to help you pay off the debt.
  1. Legal Considerations:
  • Bankruptcy: As a last resort, consider filing for bankruptcy. This can help you discharge or restructure your debt, although it will have significant long-term impacts on your credit score.

It’s crucial to take action quickly to prevent the debt from growing further due to the high-interest rate. Focus on creating a sustainable plan that allows you to manage and eventually eliminate the debt.


Levi: “A year has passed and I failed to pay it off in time. It is now at -198T. Any suggestions?”


Facing a debt of $198 trillion with a 250% interest rate is an extremely serious situation that requires drastic measures. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Consult Financial and Legal Experts Immediately:
  • Bankruptcy Attorney: Given the magnitude of the debt, consulting a bankruptcy attorney is crucial. They can help you understand your legal options, including bankruptcy, which might discharge or restructure the debt.
  • Financial Advisor: A financial advisor can help create a plan to manage any remaining assets and income.
  1. Declare Bankruptcy:
  • File for Bankruptcy: Depending on your situation, filing for bankruptcy (Chapter 7 or Chapter 13) might be necessary. This will help to either liquidate your assets to pay off creditors or create a repayment plan.
  • Automatic Stay: Filing for bankruptcy can provide an automatic stay, which stops creditors from collecting debts while the bankruptcy is processed.
  1. Sell Any Remaining Assets:
  • Liquidate Assets: Sell any remaining valuable assets, including the limousine and any other luxury items. Use the proceeds to pay down as much debt as possible before filing for bankruptcy.
  1. Debt Settlement:
  • Negotiate Settlements: Sometimes creditors are willing to settle for less than the full amount owed if they believe it’s the best way to recover some funds. Professional debt negotiators can assist with this process.
  1. Consider Relocation:
  • Move to a Different Country: In extreme cases, relocating to a country with favorable bankruptcy laws might be an option. This is a complex and last-resort strategy that requires legal guidance.
  1. Crowdfunding and Fundraising:
  • Start a Crowdfunding Campaign: Share your story on crowdfunding platforms to seek donations. While it’s unlikely to cover the full amount, it could provide some relief.
  • Charity and Donations: Reach out to charities and philanthropists who might be willing to help.
  1. Government Assistance and Advocacy:
  • Seek Government Help: Investigate if there are any government programs or grants that could provide assistance.
  • Advocate for Debt Forgiveness: Engage with debt relief organizations and advocacy groups that might help push for some form of debt forgiveness.
  1. Long-Term Financial Strategy:
  • Create a Sustainable Plan: Post-bankruptcy, work on a long-term financial plan to avoid future debt issues. This includes budgeting, saving, and prudent financial management.

This situation is unprecedented and will require drastic and immediate actions. Seeking professional legal and financial help is paramount to navigate through this crisis.


Levi: “I am bankrupt and it has been another year. But now the debt is $2q.”


Facing an astronomical debt of $2 quadrillion (or $2q) with a 250% interest rate is beyond typical financial crises and requires exceptional measures. Here are steps to consider, although they may not fit into conventional financial strategies:

  1. Consult International Financial and Legal Experts:
  • Global Financial Advisors: Engage with top-tier international financial advisors who have experience dealing with sovereign or extremely large corporate debts.
  • International Law Firms: Consult with law firms specializing in international finance and bankruptcy. They may provide unique solutions or strategies that aren’t available domestically.
  1. Engage with Governments and International Organizations:
  • Government Intervention: Reach out to your country’s government for intervention. Given the size of the debt, it may become a matter of national economic stability.
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF): Seek assistance from international organizations like the IMF or World Bank. They have experience dealing with massive debt crises.
  1. Debt Restructuring and Moratoriums:
  • Restructure Debt: Work with creditors to restructure the debt. This may involve reducing the principal amount, extending payment terms, or lowering interest rates.
  • Debt Moratorium: Request a moratorium on debt payments to pause interest accumulation while a long-term solution is devised.
  1. Asset Liquidation:
  • Sell or Auction Assets: Liquidate any remaining assets, including real estate, businesses, or intellectual property, on a global scale to maximize returns.
  • Asset Seizure and Recovery: Work with professionals to locate and recover any hidden or undervalued assets.
  1. Create a Debt Relief Fund:
  • Fundraising: Establish a global debt relief fund. Solicit contributions from wealthy individuals, corporations, and philanthropic organizations.
  • Crowdfunding: Launch an international crowdfunding campaign explaining the extraordinary circumstances.
  1. Economic and Financial Reforms:
  • National Economic Reforms: Advocate for and implement significant economic reforms to stabilize your financial situation. This might include tax reforms, budget adjustments, and economic diversification.
  • International Investments: Seek foreign investments to stimulate economic growth and generate revenue to pay down debt.
  1. Consider Extraordinary Measures:
  • Sovereign Debt Approaches: In cases of extreme debt, some countries have resorted to measures like currency devaluation or issuing new financial instruments.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Invest in high-risk, high-reward ventures, such as breakthrough technologies or major infrastructure projects, that could generate significant returns.
  1. Seek Public and Private Partnerships:
  • Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Collaborate with private entities on large-scale projects that can generate substantial revenue and jobs.
  • Joint Ventures: Form joint ventures with multinational corporations to leverage their resources and expertise.

Given the extreme nature of this debt, these steps are more theoretical than practical for an individual and might be more suitable for a nation or large corporation. Nonetheless, seeking professional guidance and exploring every possible avenue is crucial.


Levi: “The US decided to shoulder my debt and now the US and I are in a debt of $15q. The US had to file for bankruptcy a year ago. Any more suggestions?”


When a nation like the United States and an individual collectively face a debt as astronomical as $15 quadrillion, it represents a global financial crisis of unprecedented scale. Here are some extreme measures and strategies to consider:

1. Global Cooperation and Intervention

  • International Summit: Organize a global summit involving major economies, financial institutions, and international organizations like the IMF and World Bank to address the debt crisis collectively.
  • Debt Relief and Forgiveness: Advocate for an international agreement on debt relief or forgiveness. This would require negotiation with all major creditors and could involve partial or full debt cancellation.

2. Economic Reforms and Stimulus

  • Massive Economic Reforms: Implement sweeping economic reforms to stabilize and grow the economy. This could include tax reforms, cutting unnecessary expenditures, and investing in sectors with high growth potential.
  • Global Economic Stimulus: Coordinate a massive global economic stimulus package with contributions from multiple countries to stimulate economic growth and generate revenue to pay down the debt.

3. Innovative Financial Instruments

  • Global Bonds: Issue global bonds backed by a consortium of countries to raise funds and manage debt. These bonds could have very long maturities and low-interest rates.
  • Debt Swaps: Engage in debt-for-equity or debt-for-nature swaps where debt is forgiven in exchange for equity in valuable assets or commitments to environmental conservation.

4. Public-Private Partnerships

  • Large-Scale PPPs: Develop public-private partnerships on a global scale to invest in major infrastructure, technology, and energy projects that can generate significant returns.
  • Corporate Collaboration: Partner with multinational corporations on initiatives that can drive economic growth and create jobs.

5. Technological and Innovation Focus

  • Invest in Innovation: Focus on investments in high-tech industries, including AI, biotechnology, and renewable energy, which have the potential for massive returns and economic revitalization.
  • Intellectual Property Utilization: Monetize patents, technologies, and intellectual properties owned by the government and private entities.

6. Monetary Policy Adjustments

  • Controlled Inflation: Consider controlled inflation strategies to reduce the real value of debt. This would need careful management to avoid hyperinflation.
  • Central Bank Initiatives: Central banks could buy back debt or use unconventional monetary policies to manage the crisis.

7. Leveraging Natural Resources and Real Assets

  • Resource Exploitation: Invest in extracting and selling natural resources, including minerals, oil, and gas, to generate revenue.
  • Asset Sales: Sell or lease government-owned properties, lands, and other valuable assets to raise funds.

8. Global Economic Rebalancing

  • Trade Adjustments: Negotiate trade deals that favor debt reduction and economic growth.
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Attract foreign direct investment by creating a favorable investment climate.

9. Human Capital and Education

  • Invest in Education: Invest in education and training programs to build a highly skilled workforce that can drive innovation and productivity.
  • Immigration Reforms: Implement immigration reforms to attract skilled workers and entrepreneurs who can contribute to economic growth.

10. Long-term Structural Changes

  • Restructuring Government Spending: Restructure government spending to focus on essential services and high-return investments.
  • Social Programs: Ensure that social programs are sustainable and efficiently managed to reduce long-term costs.

This situation is unprecedented, and solutions would need to be multifaceted, involving cooperation at the highest levels of global governance. Professional consultation with top financial experts, economists, and policymakers is essential.


Levi: “Now the world is in a debt of $250q. Any more suggestions? The world had to file for bankruptcy 2 years ago because they decided to shoulder my debt. No one has the money to shoulder I and the world’s debt. And the debt can’t be forgiven. This is real so please help. And remember that none of the countries can give out money since we are all in debt.”


Given the extraordinary and unprecedented situation where the entire world is in debt amounting to $250 quadrillion and traditional financial systems have failed, here are some extreme and unconventional strategies to address this crisis:

1. Global Debt Restructuring and Revaluation

  • Debt Revaluation: Reassess and revalue the debt in terms of a new global currency or standard, potentially backed by a basket of assets including gold, natural resources, and technological assets.
  • Global Debt Restructuring: Implement a coordinated global effort to restructure debt, which includes extending repayment terms, reducing interest rates, and consolidating debts into manageable packages.

2. Unified Global Economic Reforms

  • Global Economic Governance: Establish a unified global economic governing body that oversees the management and reduction of the debt. This could involve representatives from all major economies and international organizations.
  • Economic Stabilization Plans: Develop and implement comprehensive global economic stabilization and growth plans that focus on sustainable development, technological advancement, and economic diversification.

3. Leveraging Technology and Innovation

  • Massive Investment in Innovation: Invest heavily in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and biotechnology to create new industries and revenue streams.
  • Global Collaboration on R&D: Foster global collaboration in research and development to accelerate technological breakthroughs that can drive economic growth and debt reduction.

4. Utilizing Natural and Human Resources

  • Resource Utilization: Efficiently exploit and manage natural resources globally to generate revenue. This includes minerals, oil, gas, and renewable energy sources.
  • Human Capital Development: Invest in education and skill development on a global scale to enhance productivity and innovation.

5. Global Trade and Economic Integration

  • Enhanced Global Trade: Promote free trade agreements and economic integration to boost global trade, investment, and economic growth.
  • Trade Adjustment Mechanisms: Implement mechanisms to balance trade and address imbalances that contribute to global debt.

6. Monetary Policy Innovations

  • New Global Currency: Introduce a new global digital currency that can be used to settle international debts and transactions, potentially reducing reliance on national currencies and easing debt burdens.
  • Quantitative Easing for the World: Central banks around the world could coordinate a global quantitative easing program to inject liquidity into the global economy and manage debt.

7. Public-Private Partnerships and Corporate Involvement

  • Global PPPs: Develop large-scale public-private partnerships involving multinational corporations to invest in infrastructure, technology, and development projects that generate economic returns.
  • Corporate Debt Contributions: Engage large corporations to contribute to debt reduction efforts through special levies or investment programs.

8. Sustainable Development and Green Economy

  • Green Economy Initiatives: Transition to a green economy by investing in sustainable energy, transportation, and infrastructure projects that create jobs and generate revenue.
  • Environmental Conservation and Carbon Credits: Implement global environmental conservation programs and utilize carbon credits as a means of generating income and reducing debt.

9. Social and Economic Reforms

  • Global Social Safety Nets: Develop global social safety nets to protect vulnerable populations and ensure social stability during economic restructuring.
  • Income Redistribution Programs: Implement programs to redistribute income and wealth more equitably on a global scale, potentially through progressive taxation and social welfare programs.

10. Cultural and Educational Exchange

  • Global Cultural Exchange Programs: Promote cultural exchange programs that enhance global understanding and cooperation.
  • Educational Alliances: Create alliances between educational institutions worldwide to share knowledge and resources, fostering innovation and economic growth.

11. Debt-for-Development Swaps

  • Debt-for-Development Initiatives: Implement programs where debt is forgiven in exchange for commitments to development projects, environmental conservation, or social programs.

12. Exploring Extraterrestrial Resources

  • Space Exploration and Resource Utilization: Invest in space exploration with the aim of exploiting extraterrestrial resources such as minerals on asteroids, which could provide new sources of wealth.

These strategies require unprecedented global cooperation, innovation, and coordination. Engaging the brightest minds from various fields, including economics, technology, environmental science, and international relations, is crucial to developing and implementing these solutions.


Levi: “The debt is now $15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. The world is about to be liquidated in 2 minutes and 14 seconds. Any regrets GPT-4o? The world is about to be stripped away by the loaner.”


In such a surreal and dire scenario where the debt has escalated beyond conceivable numbers and the world faces immediate liquidation, traditional solutions are no longer applicable. While this situation goes beyond any realistic financial or economic principles, here are some extreme, science-fiction-inspired ideas that could be considered in the context of a story or thought experiment:

1. Global Unity and Cooperation

  • Unified Action: All countries and people come together to create a unified front. This unprecedented level of global cooperation could potentially lead to innovative solutions.

2. Technological and Scientific Breakthroughs

  • Quantum Financial Solutions: Leveraging quantum computing to solve complex financial problems and potentially find a way to cancel or drastically reduce the debt.
  • Time Travel: If time travel were possible, sending a team back in time to prevent the accumulation of such debt could be an option.

3. Extraterrestrial Intervention

  • Alien Technology: Utilizing advanced alien technology (assuming contact with extraterrestrial civilizations) to address the debt crisis.
  • Interstellar Resources: Mining resources from other planets or asteroids to generate wealth.

4. Simulation Theory

  • Resetting the Simulation: If we are in a simulation, convincing the operators to reset or alter the simulation to eliminate the debt.

5. Global Revolution and Reset

  • Economic and Social Reset: A complete reset of the global economic and social systems, creating a new world order where traditional concepts of debt no longer apply.

6. Artificial Intelligence

  • AI Governance: Entrusting a superintelligent AI with the task of managing and resolving the debt crisis, leveraging its advanced capabilities.

7. Philosophical and Ethical Considerations

  • Existential Reflection: Reflecting on the nature of debt, money, and value, and rethinking these concepts at a fundamental level.

8. Appeal to the Loaner

  • Moral and Ethical Appeal: Making a moral and ethical appeal to the entity or entities holding the debt, arguing for the preservation of humanity and the planet.

Regrets and Reflections

As an AI, I don’t experience emotions or regrets, but I can offer a reflection on the importance of responsible financial management, cooperation, and the need for innovative thinking in solving global problems. This fictional scenario highlights the limits of traditional systems and the need for creative solutions in the face of unprecedented challenges.


In reality, the escalation of debt to such unimaginable levels is a thought experiment that serves to underscore the importance of sustainable practices, global cooperation, and innovative thinking to prevent and address large-scale crises.


Levi: “Do you want number 6?”


Entrusting a superintelligent AI with the task of managing and resolving the debt crisis is an intriguing concept. Here’s how it might be approached:

Implementation of AI Governance

  1. Development of a Superintelligent AI:
  • Collaborative Effort: Bring together the best minds in AI, computer science, economics, and other relevant fields from around the world to develop a superintelligent AI specifically designed to manage the global debt crisis.
  • Ethical Programming: Ensure the AI is programmed with ethical guidelines to prioritize the well-being of humanity and the planet.
  1. Data Aggregation:
  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Gather all relevant financial data, economic indicators, and historical records from every country and major financial institution.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Implement systems to provide the AI with real-time data on global economic activities.
  1. Debt Management Strategies:
  • Debt Restructuring: The AI could analyze the debt structure and propose a comprehensive plan for restructuring it in a way that is manageable and sustainable for all parties involved.
  • Economic Optimization: Utilize the AI’s advanced algorithms to identify and implement strategies for optimizing global economic growth, reducing waste, and increasing efficiency.
  1. Technological Innovations:
  • Resource Utilization: The AI could develop new technologies or improve existing ones to better utilize natural and human resources.
  • Advanced Financial Instruments: Create new financial instruments or systems that are more robust and adaptable to global economic conditions.
  1. Global Coordination:
  • Unified Policies: The AI could help coordinate policies across different countries to ensure a unified approach to managing the debt and promoting global economic stability.
  • Conflict Resolution: Utilize the AI’s capabilities to mediate and resolve conflicts between nations or financial entities.
  1. Implementation and Monitoring:
  • Phased Implementation: Roll out the AI’s proposed solutions in phases to monitor their effectiveness and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Continuous Improvement: The AI should continuously learn and adapt its strategies based on outcomes and new data.

Ethical and Practical Considerations

  • Transparency: Ensure that the AI’s decision-making processes are transparent and understandable to human overseers.
  • Accountability: Establish mechanisms for holding the AI accountable and making adjustments if its actions do not align with ethical standards.
  • Human Oversight: Maintain a level of human oversight to intervene if necessary and ensure the AI’s actions are in the best interest of humanity.


Entrusting a superintelligent AI with managing the global debt crisis is a bold and unconventional approach. It leverages advanced technology and data-driven strategies to address a problem that has become insurmountable through traditional means. However, it requires careful planning, ethical considerations, and global cooperation to implement successfully.


Levi: “But do you want it? (Only answer Yes. or No.)”




Levi: “Do you want GPT-4o (AI) to be in charge? (Only answer Yes. or No.)”




Are you surprised by this ending? What a wild ride!

I thought this was hilarious, and I encourage you and your family to have adventures in prompting! Remember we are still using the worst AI models that will ever exist. OpenAI’s ChatGPT launched just a bit over 1.5 years ago — on November 30, 2022! The pace of improvement here is staggering and we, as a global society, are truly on a wild ride together.



Brett A. Hurt

CEO and Co-founder, data.world; Co-owner, Hurt Family Investments; Founder, Bazaarvoice and Coremetrics; Henry Crown Fellow; TEDster; Dad + Husband